Our trip to the Bahamas was simply brilliant and yet amazingly totally unexpected. Its success was due to the hospitality of two chaps I spent alot of time with as a teacher training college form 1974 to 1977 and Viv and I put the success of our Bahamas experience down to Ronny and Garry and their lovely and very understanding wives Suize and Denise.
Doncaster College of Education's RFU 'Powerhouse' circa 1975-77.(Bailey,Guest,Markham.) |
Ronny and Suzie's 'Backyard' ! |
Our trip was planned in minutes once Viv realised we were going to end up in Orlando in the RV, she suggested since we were only a one hour plane ride away we could pop in and say hello to Ronny and Gary. (AS she had never met them and I was always talking about them) From this simple plan where we thought we might meet up a couple of times and catch up , we found ourselves being fully accomodated and entertained for ten full days by the 'Guest and Markham Bespoke Bahamian Travel Agency.'

Saddleback Cay
Sand Bar,off the Ezuma Islands.
Main Bay in Saddleback Cay. |
For the whole period we were looked after and made to feel really comfortable and also met many of their Bahamian friends and ex pats. Both Ronny and Gary were at work to so we were fortunate that Ronny lent us his spare car to explore the island with and as we were staying in his beautiful home we could also relax and enjoy his pool too.
Most days we were taken and intoduced to different places to have lunch and or dinner; always ones that had a good reputation for service, location or simply good eating extablishments. (Usually they had spectactuar views of Atlantis on Paradise Island, a harbour or marina.) Three of the days we spent fully on the water so we had to suffer locations with beautiful white beaches and turquoise seas, forty miles south on Ezuma Islands or locally on Rose Island. Viv and I truly had not experienced anything like this on our travels to date and were quite mesmorised by both the beauty and tranquillity of our surroundings everywhere we found ourselves.
Viv getting off the boat after we'd been snorkelling
A few of the fish and Nurse Shark that were everywhere !
Viv socialising on Rose Beach after our Sunday afternoon picnic.
Saddlebck Cay
On Atlantis on Paradise Island,next to Garry's boat!(Nearly agreeing -for once!)
Ronny and myself opposite the main cruise liner dock after discusing many of the bridges we had crossed.
Gary also organised me to visit Queens College private school where he works so that I could meet with the Head Teacher and Curriculumn Co-ordinator. This was really enjoyable and interesting and supported my visits to schools in China, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia. (The best bit though was when I visited the different classes observing their daily routine and speaking to the children)
Back to the chalk face,discussing the topic of England with a year 6 class. |
To conclude our holiday we were taken on the last night to Meze a restaurant near Cable Bay .After a great meal we decided that after 10 years that Gary Ronnie and myself have covered most of the bridges we've crossed since then and we all agreed to meet up soon to ensure that we covered all the rivers that run under them too.

Our meal at the famous Bahamian 'Conch ' restaurant.
The Bahamas "The Jewel and the Crown" of Bailey's Tours so far !
Many ,many Thanks to;
Ronnie Suzie, Gary and Denise.